Recent Conversations

 Professional Development for Black Professionals in Tech


A tax technology company needed to provide professional development for its Black Employee Resource Group (ERG) to increase promotional pathways and imbed diversity into a historically homogeneous corporate environment. The bespoke program - initially intended to focus on individual goals and objectives - had to first address entrenched beliefs and behaviors in order to foster a more inclusive and diverse culture. The program included mentee/accountability partner matching and a DEI workbook in preparation for a broader DEI rollout within the organization.


We tailored our three-part “Power of You” workshop to help attendees identify their personal and professional objectives and obstacles. The program consisted of a motivational job satisfaction survey, a DEI playbook, and exercises to craft personal statement/elevator pitches and navigate the corporate world. Rollout included development of accountability partnerships and mentor/mentee groups inclusive of all management.


The workshop series enabled 24 individuals to assess and refine individual professional development objectives and goals. It covered navigating the corporate world and provided a forum for uncomfortable but necesary conversations around lack of diversity and perceived roadblocks to advancement and inclusivity. The project dovetailed to include one-on-one career development sessions for interested employees. 

 Train The Trainer Program: Fostering A More Equitable Workplace Through Conversation


A global Finance Company wanted to implement a manageable first step to foster a more inclusive and diverse culture. Specifically, they aimed to develop internal DEI champions able to lead a broad DEI discussion within the company. 


We crafted a “train-the-trainer” facilitators guide for a series of nine fireside chats focused on how to spark productive conversation around diversity. The program included a needs assessment, a 30-page facilitators guide, resource toolkit, exercises on how to address implicit biases and a 90-minute training session for company leaders.


Enabled conversations around diversity to cascade throughout the organization with training of 12 executives, each tasked with leading a series of discussions with groups of 12-15 employees.

Black & Womxn In America Speaker Series: Important Conversations Drive Donations


UN Women USA New York, a non-profit entity dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women and girls worldwide, saw an opportunity to use their platform to spotlight the needs of American Black women during a critical juncture for race relations in the United States. 


Meisha Williams Bertels produced an engrossing Speaker Series to explore the inherent racism of systems in the United States and the specific experience of racism in all aspects of being Black and a woman in America. The series, entitled “Black & Womxn in America” included dialogues on Working, Voting, Being Transgender and the state of Mental Health in America. Each event included opportunities for self-reflection, tools for growth and actions that participants could take to challenge systemic racism. 

The series sparked life-altering conversations with a diverse group of speakers including:

  • Michele T. Ghee, CEO - Ebony & Jet Magazines, Co-Founder - The Strategic Alliance

  • Aryah Lester, Deputy Director - Transgender Strategy Center 

  • Dr. Oni Blackstock - primary care and HIV physician, researcher, and founder of Health Justice

  • Raquel Willis - Communications Director at the Ms. Foundation 

  • Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis - professor of psychology at Pepperdine University 

  • Minda Harts - author of The Memo: What Women of Color Need to Know to Secure a Seat at the Table


Series drove increased giving, with donation spikes occurring after each Black & Womxn event.